Saturday, September 10, 2016

Cherry Creek Cabin

 Our first in B.C. road trip took four hours around Kootaney lake to a cabin just outside of Kaslo.

There were many windy mountain roads, maybe even more than are around Manitoulin and Sault Ste. Marie. We took a ferry, it was free and you don't need an advanced ticket, you just show up and hope you get on.

We saw many bears and enjoyed some really nice days with this view. I did a paddle board across the  Kootany river and was pleasantly reminded of my quiet days at Casa Cayuco in Panama. All the memories of going out on my own and then teaching guests how to Stand Up Paddle Board. The water was so calm and deep. In the sun it was a forest green, but in the shadows it looked like black glass, or making ripples in onyx.

Oh yeah, I made Sangria in this giant vat.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

No more golf for me

 It was a tough choice but I gave my two weeks notice at the golf course. I was grateful for the job but it just became overwhelming and exhausting when I had to work doubles. My writing was hell-a-suffering. I had to go back to the roots of why we moved here, and why we bought a house: Enjoy life more, write more, be outside more.

6am at opening the golf shop doors
goodbye golf world

Deer Bums

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Washer or not...

Our first 'paid for' reno in the house was putting in a washing machine upstairs so that downstairs can be it's own private rental suite. It didn't go so well.

Ummmmmm where does the water come in? Yup, that's right, it's just a drain pipe...

Thankfully when I texted the plumber he came right over, hooked up the faucets and now we're in business with a washer! Less than $500 for the washer and install, looking pretty schnazzy.

This is my new drying system: