Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Pan means bread in Spanish and it seems to come with every meal. Without fail breakfast, lunch and dinner bread, bread, bread. There´s a saying that goes ¨tu eres mas largo que un dia sin pan¨ which translates to: you are longer then a day without bread, refering to hight. I really do not normally eat that much bread and yesterday I went looking and I finally found oatmeal. So life is back in order. Went for a run again this morning walked along the beach too. It´s really quite nice to be out that early in the morning. But anyway the point is I can´t haddle the amount of bread that´s being pushed on me so i now have oatmeal instead of toast at morning and ricecakes instead of bread at night and just looking for an alternative for lunch...


  1. A girl after my own heart. My days of following you with the morning oatmeal were not in vain. And the constant arguments with your grandparents: your Grandfather would take your oatmeal and try to feed it to Phoenix the cat and your Abuelita would stuff chocolate and other sugary treats in your mouth whenever she thought I wasn't looking. I was that crazy oatmeal eating rebel feeding it to my kid when we could've been eating pain au chocolat or pan with jam or good old frosted flakes.
    I had my oatmeal with lots of cinnamon this morning. Adding walnuts and a touch of vanilla or banana or berries adds to the morning's excitment. Do you still dislike blueberries?
    Bear in mind that often bread contains eggs - or is that something you don't want to know.
    Glass half full: Pitas are always eggless.
    xoxo mom

  2. A girl after my own heart. My days of following you with the morning oatmeal were not in vain. And the constant arguments with your grandparents: your Grandfather would take your oatmeal and try to feed it to Phoenix the cat and your Abuelita would stuff chocolate and other sugary treats in your mouth whenever she thought I wasn't looking. I was that crazy oatmeal eating rebel feeding it to my kid when we could've been eating pain au chocolat or pan with jam or good old frosted flakes.
    I had my oatmeal with lots of cinnamon this morning. Adding walnuts and a touch of vanilla or banana or berries adds to the excitement. Do you still dislike blueberries?
    Bear in mind that often bread contains eggs - or is that something you don't want to know.
    Glass half full: Pitas are always eggless.
